Sunday, April 1, 2012

Try it.....Seriously..

First off: I apologize for not keeping up with my posts. Life got in the way and I've been thinking of new topics to blog about. I'll do better (Scouts honor)..ok back to the post:

I'm Haitian, Dominican and part Japanese. I've been eating home cooked food since I was 6 months and I've never looked back. So I have the right to say....

I'm a self proclaimed foodie.

I am in love with food. In fxcking love. If food can pay my rent and take care of me, I'd leave my fiancée at the drop of a hat. Shxt, If I had the metabolism of these models/celebs I'd eat everything and anything nonstop. I never say "I don't like it" or "eww" until I try it. I pride myself on trying new things, ESPECIALLY food. That's something my parents taught me from young and it's something I try to instill in the lovely gifts that God sent me (my kids). It's hit and miss. Hit in my daughter Brielle (who's 11 months and is open to trying everything) and miss in my son JT (my 4 year old who thinks colored goldfish is a food group). I even try in my fiancée Mel ( Who's 29 years old and will eat pork chops everyday if I'll let him). Nonetheless I try. It's always a hit for me though.

People always ask "Johanna, what do you like to eat?" Simple: Anything. I've eaten curry goat and oxtail which is a West Indian dish to octopus ceviche which is Spanish/Cuban (it's diced up octopus cooked in lemon juice with spices). I even tried eel sushi (which my palette deemed not appetizing, so I crossed it off my list). I try anything at least once. I thought I'd hate the octopus but I actually enjoyed it.

In my vegetarian journey. I was afraid I'd be eating the same thing everyday. (Tofu, veggies, tofu, veggies) To my surprise I've been able to incorporate my love of food into a vegetarian/pescatarian lifestyle and I'm extremely excited and satisfied with it.

I've come across closed minded people who sees any food that they are unsure of and say "eww thats disgusting". How is it "disgusting" if you've never tried it? (It's one of my pet peeves). My point is to TRY it. You'll never know how you feel about ANYTHING unless you try it. You can find it horribly disgusting OR you can find it pleasantly delicious. Didn't you "try" your boyfriend/girlfriend at some point in time? ( If your single then you didn't like your bf/Gf when you "tried" him/her correct?) get it now? LOL

I was against sushi. Totally against it. How can raw fish in any form be appetizing? And then I said fxck it, I tried it and fell in love. Now I crave it. Same with tuna tartare. Amazingly delicious when I thought it looked disgusting. With that said. I have a challenge for you:

Make it a habit to try something new once a week:
-You love California rolls with crabmeat?? Try a salmon roll.
- Are you a spinach lover?? Try kale instead.
- A lo mein kinda girl? Try pad Thai or Singapore noodles.
- Obsessed with mashed/pureed potatoes? How about mashed/puréed cauliflowers?

You can love it or hate it. Either way pat your self on the back for the effort. Start small and keep going. Remember its fine to not like it, you're not gonna like everything because I don't. (I will not touch mushrooms and I've tried it a million times) We're human.

Even with the kids. I tell my son he has to try it before he says he doesn't like it. That's the rule of the Frederick/Timberlake household. With that said: He doesn't like spinach but loves brussels sprouts (weird much?). My daughter doesn't like grapes but she loves the tangy/tart taste of craisins. (yeah, craisins). That list can go on. If you try something new. Let me know!

In other news this week:
• I dropped 2.3 lbs (super excited about that) I don't really track food like I should. But I've been eating healthy (scouts honor).

• It's been 21 days since I've eaten pork/red meat/chicken/ or lamb. I'm beyond proud of myself. I thought I'd never make it. LOL. But I did and I'm beyond ecstatic. Go me! I'm OFFICIALLY a vegetarian.

• I got customized license plates that says "PNKNERD". So if you see it. Honk! Lol

This week my goal is to start working out from home. I'm gonna cancel my gym membership simply because I do not have the time to go there anymore. I honestly don't. And it's taking my money. I have an Xbox kinect with games. I also downloaded some work out apps on my iPhone. I'll let you know how that works out. If you have any tips on working out from home. Let me know.

Off to watch my Sunday night line up: Khloe and Lamar, Mad Men and Ice & Coco. Happy Sunday loves! Get ready for Monday! Start of the week. I start all my new challenges on Mondays. It's like a clean slate.

Peace && Pink

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