Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I'm Gonna Do it.

I had breakfast with Kristin (Pudd, Guga) on Tuesday like we do every Tuesday. We chit chat. Talk about whats on our schedule this week. Talk about any issues we need to talk about. You know friend stuff. I brought up to her about changing my hair.

:Me: Sooooo I wanna cut my hair.
:Kristin: Soooooo do it. It's hair. It'll grow back.

It's just hair. It'll grow back. And just like that. I've decided to cut my hair. I don't have super long hair. Not at all. It's long, well it used to reach down my back. I'll say I have nice textured hair. I used to get my hair done literally every two weeks on the dot. I'd hyperventilate if my hair wasn't done in a timely manner. After all it was one of the things I got most compliments on since I was a child. If my hair was done. Then Johanna is a happy girl. And Johanna always has to be a happy girl......and then I got pregnant. While pregnant with JT my hair was luscious. Down right fxcking sexy. I had fxckable hair. Long, shiny, full of body. I had porn hair. My son made my hair 10 times better then what it was before and after pregnancy. I had NO issue going to get my hair done while pregnant. Fast forward 4 years and then I'm pregnant with Brielle.

Brielle Skye. I announce it now this girl will be my problem child. Wait, before I even get to her.

I know nothing about hair. Don't ask me the difference between a perm and a relaxer. I don't know how to hold a flat iron let alone a curling iron. My definition of "styling" is wrapping it, letting it out and then sticking it in a pony tail. Ta-Da!. I was 12 when I got my first perm by a Dominican lady in a tiny apartment in my old building in Brooklyn. She permed my hair in her tiny kitchen while she cooked dinner, watched Telemundo and talked to another lady I remember by the name of Hermas. She did my hair. I loved it & I've trusted Dominicans with my hair ever since.

Brielle Skye Timberlake. My 11 month old. I got pregnant with this girl and she tore my body up. I was used to casual morning sickness. Not all day and night morning sickness. Damnit. I was used to my sexy hair that I got so many compliments on. Not this brillo pad that was now my hair. Not to mention.

IT WAS FALLING OUT. My hair was falling out and I was freaking out. So I called my mom who has 2 girls and 2 boys. "Thats what girls do. They take you're beauty" my mom says. "What the hell do you mean take my beauty? Can't I have just a little of it?". "NO. When you pregnant with a girl they take your teeth, your skin, your vision, and.......your hair". I officially think my mom is nuts. So I call my Dr.

Dr K.: "Its just your hormones. You're at the stretch a few more weeks and your body should start regulating its hormones. We'll worry if after a year and it's still falling out".

A year? Is this man crazy? He has to be. He's a man. Does he not know the magnitude of this dilemma I'm having? Needless to say a few weeks later I gave birth to a beautiful bouncing baby girl....blah..blah..blah....back to the hair. 5 months after giving birth to Bri. My still fxcking falling out. So I get to googling. Someone is gonna give me some answers. I need some damn answers.

"Hair loss occurs when your hormones are adjusting back to what its normal levels are after being pregnant. While pregnant your hair is in a nesting stage (Which is where we get that porn hair from. Its not falling out. It just keeps growing). After pregnancy and your hormones adjust your hair is no longer in the nesting stage and begins to shed. It may shed like normal or it may shed like clumps".

Oh. Thanks google. That explains it all. NOT. At this point I'm too scared to perm my hair or do anything to it for fear that I might end up bald. So, I do nothing. I just wash it at home and since my hair curls when wet. I air dry it and call it a day. Just around that time my body issues kicked in and not having my hair done took my pretty away from me. Kristin convinced me to go to her hair stylist Treava and get my hair done.  Treava does all kinds of hair: Natural, perm, weaves. So I went. Mind you I was used to a Dominican lady doing my hair. Treava did my hair and it felt so healthy. Besides feeling clean, it had body to it, shine. I loved it. She explained that you can't just use any hair products if you have different textured hair. She also explained how the Dominicans using so much heat and so little hair products geared toward repeated heat use can make hair weak, brittle and in turn....fall out. Coloring your hair and not conditioning it (Something I'm terribly guilty of. I get bored so easy that I'll color my hair every 3 months. Drastic color changes: Its currently blondish) will kill your hair and make it fall out. She made me a believer. I'm in. She's my new hair lady. But being a mom, life comes into play and I sacrifice myself a lot. So I haven't been able to get my hair done with her in a while. Not having a perm in 6 months has been killing me. I didn't want to go the natural route because I don't have the patience to deal with all of that. I've never put in a weave or even know where to start to take care of said weave so I nixed that. It's just been in a bun.

Seeing my hair in a bun and having that little heat wave the past few weeks prompted me to start thinking. I love my long hair. I love the feeling of having "a head full of hair". I HATED the fact that once it hit 70 degrees I'd sweat through my hair and want to rip it out my head because its so hard to deal with during the summer. So whats the next best solution? Chop it off. Fast forward to Tuesdays breakfast convo and my final decision. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna cut it and color it (Last time, scouts honor). I might love it or I might hate it. It's hair. It'll grow back. No biggie. Searching for a hair cut style has been fun also. I've narrowed it down to two. Mel loves my hair and tells me not to cut it, but he supports the decision. My son asks if i'm gonna look like a boy. Lawd, I hope not. That was one of my worries. Picking a cut that'll make me look boyish. My appointment is set for Friday and I'm beyond excited. I'll post pictures! Change is good.. Right? RIGHT!

I'm off to watch my Criminal Minds and Law & Order:SVU . Have an awesome night! Make sure you follow me & share with your friends!

Peace && Pink..


  1. I can't wait to see it. Cutting your hair is a brave thing. You know we get used to it being a certain way. And it will in fact grow back.

  2. Channy. I know. I'm still nervous. But if I don't like it. Oh well. I'll let it grow out and call it a day. I think it'll be great.

    1. I remember when i first off my hair i was a nervous wreck too. But once you get pass the first snip you really realize its just hair. I kept mine as a momentum. Im sure you will love it though. If you have a good stylist she will know what suits your face and how far to go. Goodluck!!!

  3. Flavia. I do..shes awesome as a stylist. Ive heard that once you cut it short you have to style it everyday. lol I'm used to throwing it into a bun and calling it a day. That'll be my biggest challenge.. i actually have to go buy a flat iron and curling iron. lol
