Monday, April 2, 2012

Fashionista? Far from that.

I love to see a well dressed person. Female, male, or child. I love to see it. I love to read about fashion. I love to shop. I love to mix and match. Do I consider myself a fashionista?

Hell No. Hell fxcking no.

For one, at this point in time I'm having body issues. I spend my days either at the store returning shxt or at the post office returning shxt. It's gotten to the point where the clerk at the post office says "Ms. Frederick what are you returning today". Bye, you don't know me. LOL. I feel as though at this point I don't fit any of that sexy stuff these models are wearing. Yeah Yeah, "Johanna you're just being insecure" Damn right. I see females walking out and about in the streets and I ask myself if they have a mirror somewhere in their house. And then I see some females and I think "Damn I want to just stalk you in the stores and figure out how did you put that together". In that case by now you should know I have no problems giving compliments to anyone especially females. If I love you're shoes, I'm gonna tell you that.

With all my insecurities nothing shocks me more than when I'm out and someone asks me "Where did you get that". Naturally, because I am a certified sneaker junkie I automatically assume they are talking about my shoes or sneakers. So when they AREN'T talking about my shoes/sneaker I get dumbfounded. Example:

:Lady: OMG where did you get that.
:Me: Oh, I got them in New York. They're Salvatore Ferragamo
:Lady: What? I'm not talking about your shoes hun. I'm talking about your shirt.
:Me: *What I'm thinking* Arrrgh...ahhhhh....errrr...gaahhhh....burrrr  Umm Oh. Umm I got it from online also.
:Lady: Oh It's really cute
:Me: *Shocked look* Thank you. 

LOL. I Know. I Know. Don't judge. I don't know how to receive compliments on anything other than my hair, children, and shoes/sneakers. So if its for any other reason then that. I get thrown for a loop. But I know this much:

I know what I like and I buy what I like. I know people that stalk (in a nice way) celebrities to see whats "in". They follow fashion bloggers and celebrities to see whats new and whats hip. I don't. Don't get me wrong. If I see Sarah Jessica Parker wearing a pair of Yves Saint Laurent heels (I'm a label whore)
I'll have half the mind to get it because I like them not because SJP is wearing them...HALF the mind. I can appreciate nice things. But to buy anything because a celeb or a fashion blogger says its hip? I will not. Thats just me though. So please don't turn into Catniss and shoot any arrows. I live on websites so I'm always browsing and looking at things. So if I HAPPEN to wear something thats "in" believe you and I when I say. Its an accident. I'm not a sucker for fashion. At all. I just buy what I like. I honesty don't have the patience to keep looking at celebs and their style sense. LOL. If you do thats fine. Like I said earlier. I have friends that do. And they dress awesome. Some do retro, vintage, modern and they know how to work it. I know how to work Johanna. So if I wake up and put on a t-shirt and sweats. Thats just what it is. Sweats and a t-shirt.


  • I started my workout this morning. Proud to say I got right back into the groove of things. I decided that working first thing in the morning before I take my son to school is the best bet. I'm beyond sore but I know its my bodies way of saying thank you. So you're welcome body. Lol
  • I love Mondays. Its a clean slate. You can start over or start new. Think about it. Its also easier to track. 
  • Did you try something new today? If you did leave a comment and tell me what. 
  • Also, please don't forget to follow my blog, sign up and share! I appreciate it. 
Have an awesome night! I'm off to enjoy some sushi and stir fried snow peas with brown rice and watch Styled by June!.

Peace && Pink

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