Thursday, March 15, 2012

Start a blog?? Really??

I'm debating. Heavily. Even while I'm typing this post I'm still debating. "You should really start a blog. I love your advice". OK. Thanks but do I really want to start a blog? Well, recently I've been debating on what I want to do with myself. Myself being Johanna who's nicknamed Jae by family and friends. I'm a 26 year old engaged mother to a 4 year old son and 10 mth old daughter (Sometimes i wondered if I would've kept the receipt for them. Fiancee included). I'm born and raised as a Brooklyn, NYer. I live in South Jersey. I'm a foodie who's transitioning into a lacto-ovo/pescatarian vegetarian (I'll explain later) I work at a local hospital as an IV Tech. I love tattoos. I love the color pink. If it comes in pink I'll take two. I live for traveling. I also live for shopping.  I love meeting new people (the more awkward the better). I am hands down the most nonchalant person I know. I take nothing personal. I always have something to say and one of my fav ways to start a sentence is with  "I Think...". I speak 2 1/2 languages. I have this weird obsession with StarBucks. And just like the average female I think I can stand to lose a few pounds. I have always been the "go to" person for any questions, advice, random information. Which prompted people to tell me I should write a blog. So OK after writing this much I've decided to start a blog. Why not. And just like that The Pink Nerd with Words is born. This isn't going to be your standard blog on one subject. I'll be talking about EVERYTHING. What I had for dinner, food and product reviews, sex, love, children, relationships and so on. I'm not shy or ashamed of anything I've ever done so you'll be reading about me and my random fxck ups. Aha, But wait there's more (no there isn't more. i just really wanted to say that). You'll laugh, you'll be confused, you might cry, you might get motivated. I might even offend you. But remember I, Johanna come in peace. So my thoughts and words are JUST that..MY thoughts and words. Enjoy or don't enjoy. It's entirely up to you. Either way. The Pink Nerd has spoken.

Peace && Pink

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