Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Afraid of.......Heels

I love shoes. I mean what woman doesn't. Sneakers, sandals, wedges, heels. We see shoes and we go gaga. Macys has that shoe sale and its every woman for herself. Watch your back, front and sides. Come prepared. We need them...we want them...we must have them. Marilyn Monroe said "Give a girl the right pair of shoes and she can rule the world". Right on! Girl power! But I have a confession....it's nothing serious but still I wanna come clean:....

I'm afraid of heights. Not like roller coaster afraid. More like heels afraid.... (insert awkwardness here....)

Stupid right? I'm 26 I should be double dutching in heels. I should be seducing men in heels. Shxt, I should be running after children in heels. I should be a pro..Right? Hell to the NO. I'm a wuss..Don't get me wrong I walk into a store and see a pair of heels and I picture myself strutting my stuff..showing off, giggling, laughing, being hot... And then I snap back into reality and look down at my feet to see my Nikes staring back at me. Oh....that was a short day dream followed by a rude awakening. I drool when I see heels. It's like that hot married guy who lives next door. You can look but you cannot touch. In my case, I can look but I cannot walk. And still that doesn't stop me. I want to buy every pair of heels I see. Literally..Sequined, snake skin..leather..red..pink..black..leopard (don't get me started on leopard). But I don't buy any because I know it'll collect dust and the most ill use them for is to get Mel to buy me something I really want (insert creative XXX ideas here). These super models, celebrities , even my friends have me seething with jealousy. I want a pair of heels, bad. I'm craving them. I make up for not wearing heels by wearing flats and flashy, one of a kind sneakers. Which is probably working against me at the same time. I asked Kristin to show me how to walk in heels. She looked at me like I was crazy. Kristin is a pro walker (Not like prostitute. Hiii Kristin :) ) She walks in up to 6in heels. Aye carumba. Now that my friends..That's a skill I need to learn. So she said she'd help. I adopted the "No excuses" quote for 2012. I'm not gonna have an excuse to not do anything. I'm gonna try everything. Starting with heels. So if I don't post back you can attribute that to me hurting myself. But damnit I'm gonna learn if it kills me. I need to. And I will. Shoot, if the guys on Real Housewives of Atlanta can run in heels. I can do (or try) to also. It's all in the mental....and feet.

Remember NO EXCUSES! And if you can't walk in heels. I challenge you to try. And if you can walk in heels. Give me some tips and tricks. Help a sister out! I'm working so this post is short.y apologies. It's my Friday and then I'm off for 5 days (amen!) Have an awesome night guys. Xoxo.

Peace && Pink

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