Friday, March 16, 2012

Lacto-ovo.....What Bxtch?!?

"I'm a Lacto-ovo pescatarian vegetarian"...."What Bxtch?!"

That's the text I got back from Kristin (who I nicknamed Pudd. So she is the same person) when I told her what I am. But still, what is it?

Here we go:

Lacto-ovo - A vegetarian that still uses animal by-products. Milk, egg, cheese so on and so forth.

Pescatarian- A vegetarian that doesn't eat the flesh of meat but eats fish and seafood.

There ya go. That's what I am or transitioning to be. Why? NOT to lose weight. People have this assumption that you do certain things to lose weight. Wrong. Anything I chose to do I have a reason for. I've never been much of a meat/pork eater. So it's easy for me to give that up. I grew up on fish. Veggies and fruits I love. It's a lifestyle change that I wanted to partake in. Simply to live a healthier, happier life. That's all. If I lose weight because I cut out certain fats and sugars. More power to me. I'm not mad at that. Is it hard? I guess. But I didn't expect it to be easy. Luckily, more people are transitioning to vegans & vegetarians. So there are more vegetarian/vegan friendly products, restaurants and stores popping up everywhere. Amen to that. I've been a vegetarian since Sunday. And it's been all good. I've been trying to find substitutions for things that I love. Instead of milk I'm drinking almond/soy/ or coconut milk. Instead of sugar I'm using agavé. Things like that. I have this great restaurant thats down the street from me called Celinas that has an awesome vegetarian menu. Love it. I also have one of my bffs Teresa that's a Vegan. So I ask her lots of questions. If you put your mind to it. You can do it. Am I gonna go around singing cumbaya and promoting peace and throwing red paint of people's furs? No. Actually, if I was given a fur. I'd wear it. (Not to offend PETA lovers) I'm just not into all of that. I think cruelty of animals is horrible. But that's not my cause. I just wanna be a little more health conscious. I've come across some products that's will aid me in my transitioning to a L/P Vegetarian (L=Lacto /ovo..P= pescatarian) that I love. But majority is basic fruits and veggies. Cooking at home is gonna be a big part of my new lifestyle also. I don't like cooking. But someones gotta do it. I've downloaded apps and cookbooks (got to love that iPhone). I'm super excited about being a L/P vegetarian. My fiancée?..not so much. He's a meatatarian and will massacre a steak without thinking twice. I had to let him know that I'm not forcing anything on him or our kids. If down the line he wants to convert OK. But, we can still go out to eat and I'll be perfectly fine with the menu. After giving me that 'ok whatever you say' look he says "I support you". Yay! He even gives me reminders when I feel like I'm gonna crack. If you eat red meat and pork...right on. That's your choosing. I'll never force my decision on anyone. Like I said before : I come in peace. Ofcourse I'll let you guys know how that's going for me. If you're a vegetarian/vegan or transitioning give me some tips! I'd love to hear from you! Xoxo!

Peace && Pink

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